Sunday, September 9, 2007

the first few weeks

whew! we've survived the first few weeks, the first test, and three quizzes in AP Physics! First 1D Kinematics, now 2! At first I thought 1D was going to be hard, but now I miss it. 2D has so much to think about! x position, y position, x velocity, y velocity, just velocity, initial velocity, AAAAAAAHHH! my brain is spinning. I keep feeling like I don't have enough information, but I'm sure I do, I'm just not sure what to do with it. Oh well, just have to keep practicing. It's fun though. I'm already seeing physics in daily life. Last year I heard one of my friends from Band say that the only way she got through the beginning of physics was football. I'm going to try her strategy and apply physics to my observations of the football game this Friday. This should be fun!!! :-)

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